E-Book Guidance:

Contact Us:

If you haven’t already done so please visit my about page to read about me R. G. Ramsey your humble guide, and my little plot of land here in cyberspace known as eBook Guidance, and how get started writing your own eBook.

If you would like to contact me, R.G. Ramsey, the owner, content creator, and webmaster of this website, you can send me an email, or you can contact me on Facebook as well.

Before you reach out to me, please take note of a couple potential topics you may wish to email me about.

Question: Do you accept guest posts on your website?

Answer: Yes, I do for Flash Fiction stories.

If you have a family friendly fiction story that you have written that is unique for my website, which you would like to have displayed here on my website, send me an email and let me know. If it your original story is a good match for this website, your story will get access to my readers.

You will get acknowledgement as the author of your story, and a backlink to your website as well. In addition to that, if you have written eBooks, or books that are available for sale on Amazon, I will promote them at the end of your story.

You will have more eyeballs viewing your unique writing voice, more potential customers to your eBooks, and I will have more content for my website visitors to enjoy, and devour in a fresh, unique writing style.

Secondly, if you are reaching out to me because you are a publisher, or are a representative of one who wants to publish my stories, if I pay I sum of money for “Start-up cost”, and agree to give you a healthy percentage of the royalties, don’t waste your time, or mine. I am not interested in that scam.

(If anyone gets a similar message, be very careful.)

Always do your due diligence before trusting a “Johnny come lately” publisher who offers to appeal to your emotions and “help” you by offering you a way to publish your book. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. My advice is to search for Facebook Groups about writing, and publishing. There you will find plenty of helpful advice about writing, and getting your masterpiece published. If you wish to contact me via email, send an email to: ebookguidance @ gmail .com (remove the spaces)

You can also contact me on Facebook:

Come join us on Facebook Click here...

I have a Pinterest account as well if you would like to follow me there.

Follow eBook Guidance on Pinterest

I get many, many emails every day and I don't have enough hours to reply to all of your questions, and ideas to improve this website. I do however read everything that is sent and all of your enlightening feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to view my website, I humbly appreciate it.

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